The Online Lecture on the Sourses of the Eastern Christian Tradition

On the seventh of March, Deacon Oleh Kindiy had online meeting with the DLMPES’ students within the bounds of the course Survey of the Eastern Christian Tradition. During the lecture professor Oleh had a presentation on the Sources of the Eastern Christian Theology: Worship, Tradition and Knowledge of God. All the students could take part in this internet meeting.

The on-line lecture was interesting and informative. Students had an opportunity to learn about the main “principles” of the Orthodox Christian tradition. Worship is realized through the prayer, both public and private, personal experience, esthetics and Mystagogy (as participation in Holy Sacraments). The Eastern Christians interpret the term Tradition as a living presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church, who guides it. Holy Fathers and Mothers are important in this perspective, because they were witnesses of this presence and they verbalized the divine truth in a proper way. Mystagogy or experience of God – is a result of our cooperation with God’s grace. Christians are called to meet a living God, who is beyond our terms or comprehension, but who freely reveals Himself to us.

Oleh Kindiy also illustrated the lecture with a short video of Greek liturgical chant singing in Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. At the end students asked their questions concerning the topic of the lecture.